Body workout

I decided to start my body workout now to get in shape for this summer. I need to loose the fat I built up during christmas.
Last summer wasn't so great in UK and I wasn't able to use my new O'neill bikin. But this year I'm planning to visit one of the mediterranean countries so I want to look great on the beach. Basically I want a tight butt and tonned legs and arms and of course chest. First of all we need to find a workout the will us and what we want to achieve. Then think of a good diet. By "diet" I don't mean "eat less" or "no fat". Our muscles won't grow without the good fat. So what is "good fat"? Well, the good fats are:
  • monosaturated fats lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) while increasing HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol), and we can find them in nuts and olive oil
  • polysaturated fats also lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and we can find them in seafood and fish oil
The bad fats are saturated fats and these we want to aviod. They are very high in cholesterol which can cause heart diseases. They can be found in french fries, microwave popcorn, packaged food and snacks.
I will just eat more foods that are rich in proteins and carbohydrates.Your digestive system converts the carbohydrates in food into glucose which gives us very important energy while we workout. 
Other very important element of our diet is water. Our muscles need proteins and water to grow. Take your weight and multiply by 0.60 and you will get the amount of water your body should get during the day.
For example with my body weight of 123 lb I should grink 44.28oz which is 1309.5ml of water a day.

Now I need to find effective exercises that will tighten by butt, lift and tonne my arms, legs and chest.
I will let you know when I work out my new routine.
Maybe you know of some great exercises that could help me achieve a bikini body?


Irene Blushing Loves said...

I am on a diet too.I 'll be reading your news.

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